Online Dog Training Group Classes
Dog Obedience Online Group Training
Dog Obedience & Manners- COMING SOON
The Online Dog Training class is for dogs aged 7 months and older (depending on level of training and socialization), setting your dog up for success and providing you with the basic training starting points and moving onto more advanced training skills.
This course enables you and your dog to form a close relationship. We believe that this bond between you and your dog is key to setting you on your way to reaching your full potential. (see above revision)
Online Dog Training Class details
At All Day Dog Adventures we believe that it is important to find the skills and techniques that work for you and your dog. This class will cover the following:
- Achieving a Reliable recall
- Loose leash walking
- Sit, down and stand- increasing distraction, distance, duration and difficulty as you progress through the course
- Focus on handler
- How to reward your dog
- And much more!
The class consists of:
- Experienced Dog Trainer
- Access to Private Facebook Training Page
- Weekly Training session videos (available throughout the duration of the course)
- Weekly LIVE (on Facebook) check in session with your Trainer
- Submit your training videos for feedback and advice
- Private Online Community- connect with other students on our courses

$100 for 6 week Online Dog Training course

What do you need?
Access to Facebook to view and take part in Online Classes.
We can help you with this!
All our Services

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