Dog Behavior Consultation
Online Dog Behavior Consultation
Dog Behavior consultation
Our Private Dog Behavior consultation is also there to help you with behavioral issues which may only take place in the home or for dogs that show fear or aggression and maybe best suited to being trained on their own such as:
Excessive Barking, Attention and Focus, Door Manners, Resource Guarding (such as food guarding), Reactivity/aggression towards people or other dogs, Fears and Phobias, Boundary Training, Counter Surfing/Leaving Food/Garbage, House Training, and Separation Anxiety.
What to expect?
We will initially ask you to complete a History Questionnaire, Client Form and Training Disclaimer providing us with information about your dog. We will then set up an appointment at a time that is convenient for you.
Our trainer will spend up to 2 hours with you online, assessing your dog, outlining strategies and methods that will help you to overcome specific problems.
The 2 hour session specifically addresses issues of behavior problems such as aggressiveness, fear/anxiety, resource guarding (food, beds etc), nipping, playing too roughly, digging and excessive barking and much more.
This service gives you the tools & techniques to manage and address the Behavior issues using force free techniques.
Following the appointment, you will receive a Written Training Plan to follow.
Videos- where possible we ask that you submit videos of the problem Behaviors. Our Trainer will review the videos prior to your online appointment and provide training feedback.
We use Zoom or Facetime for the virtual dog training sessions. You will be sent a meeting link for the Appointment time.
We suggest you practice using Zoom (which is FREE) prior to your appointment to familiarize yourself with using Zoom. You will need a laptop/desktop computer/cell phone or tablet with camera capability for your training session.
Find out more about why Online Dog Training works- click here

$280 for up to 2 hour Dog Behavior consultation.

All our Services

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